Cat eyes on a Friday

Last weekend I got a few more pictures of my cats, this time focusing on the eye (as opposed to the tongue or third eyelid). Lucca was a great model with her beautiful green eyes and blue patched tabby and white fur:

A closeup of Lucca, a blue patched tabby and white shorthair house cat, looking up at something exciting.  I like her attentive, alert expression that shows off her cute "old rose" nose and her bright green eyes.  The fur on the top of her nose is also in sharp focus, showing off the different directions it lays.  The background is off white, and out of focus. (Marc C. Perkins)
What's up there?
This vertically-cropped image is a closeup of a blue patched tabby and white domestic shorthair cat's face, focusing on the eye.  I don't take too many vertical images of my cats up close, and often don't like them, but this is an exception. (Marc C. Perkins)
Vertical eye closeup: I don't take too many vertical images of my cats up close; this is a happy exception.
A closeup of the green eye of a blue patched tabby and white shorthair house cat.  The depth of field is a bit shallow, but a large portion of her eye and the fur around her eye are in focus. (Marc C. Perkins)
Eye closeup: looking in or looking out?

The first one makes a great desktop background (and no, I’m not biased at all …); in fact, I can see Lucca’s nose and whiskers poking out just to the right of the window I’m writing this in 🙂

Have a great weekend!

More pictures

To see more of my cat pictures, head to my Cats Gallery, my Cat Closeups Gallery, or my Cat Tongue Closeups Gallery.

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